Friday, 16 December 2011

Audience feedback on our 3 finished products

I recieved audience feedback for my short film, poster and magazine through numerous means. For our short film we posted our movie on You Tube ans linked it to Facebook so that we would be able to get our target audience to judge its suitability. They could comment on all the elements of the movie, this would provide us with important information that could help us improve our movie in the later stages of post-production.
We made my poster and magazine available for feedback by posting it on Facebook. We additionally printed a number of physical copies and stuck them on walls around my school with a caption; 'write on poster to comment.' This turned out to be really popular among other students and a large number of comments were made available to us.  

Our intent in getting audience feedback was to be able to improve our movie and make it more suitable to our target audience which is the group that's providing us with feedback. Jamie Coates (24) replied to us with; 'Themes, score and mise en scene are the best parts of the movie.' Doris Crow (17) thought that; 'the subject matter of the movie is really interesting but some of the production sadly brings the quality of the movie down.' The second comment had a strong effect on us and it led to us going back to improve some of our editing. In general the comments show that our movie reaches and is relevant to our intended audience of 16-25 year olds. The narrative has to be clear and easily accessible to my whole target audience and thus audience feedback was key in providing me with this. Michael Fonzie (23) after seeing our movie said this; 'story is quite clear and I like how all the main elements; the London sequence, the urban real life scene and the park scenes were clearly outlined.' Jared Flux (25) loved; 'how the voice over and the score really enhanced the themes that the movie was trying to put across. Additionally, watching the movie became more enjoyable.' Some people had problems with hearing all the voiceovers because the sound was at times too loud. This made us go back to editing the movie and we re-adjusted voice levels in all parts of the movie so that the audience could hear everything without any problems. This is an example of how important feedback is as without this small addition, watching the movie might not have been as enjoyable an experience as we wanted it to be. Jamie Coates made a second comment concerning our editing; 'the final scene seems to progress too fast and should be slowed down.' We decided not to do anything about this comment as we didn't want the scene to be drawn out too long as we wanted a short and sweet happy resolution to our narrative. 

Facebook was something that provided us with loads of feedback and really helped us in the final development stages of the film. We linked the movie on YouTube with our facebook accounts so that people could view our movie from facebook and comment on it, they said the following. Nora Jenkins (16) commented on our final titles which were originally over black and said that it would be better if we made them more interesting. We inserted more colourful and special titles on the newer version of imovie. Moses Wallis (18) noticed that there were some jumps at certain moments during our movie but we were unable to correct this as this was an issue that came from problems with our filming equipment that slightly broke down in the middle of one of our shoots.
Our movie was placed on You Tube which through linking with Facebook meant that we could get essential and really helpful feedback easily.
The feedback that we got for our poster from Harry Grump (19) was that; 'the poster captures your attention with its simplicity' This made us happy as initially we weren't sure whether this would work well. Another comment from Monica Kennedy (17) was that she thought that some background images might be helpful in placing the viewer in the setting of the movie. We decided against this as it might not work with the composition that we set out in the poster. Frank Junior (22) after seeing our poster for the first time immediately got the main themes that we were trying to put across to him; the Immigrant theme and a general feeling of comedy. This was really important for us as somebody within our target audience got from the poster exactly what we intended him t get from it. Matthew Kane (16) said that the billing block was different then the one usually found on movie posters, but we decided to leave it as it was, since we were making a poster for a short film so it was important that some differences were there. Carolina Zaza (19) said that she easily saw the romantic elements of our movie, thanks to the prevalence of red in our poster. This validates our poster as being quite successful since a female within our target audience saw the romantic elements of our movie and looking back to Frank Junior's comment, a male within our target audience saw the elements of comedy as well as the important themes. This means that our poster achieved its intended effect with both men and women in our target audience.
Finally we gave out our magazine to some of our friends so they could give us some feedback on its quality and suitability. Ingrid Tone (23) after reading the article said; 'it is an engaging read and makes me want to see your movie.' This was a good comment but we were disappointed that she didn't pick up on the analytical content of our article and we re-wrote so that it is now much clearer and easier to notice. Lloyd Games (20) had less positive comments about our layout as he said it was too muddled up and there were too many things on the page. This was quite important feedback as it led to a radical change in our design. We got rid of things that were irrelevant or weren't effective, thus making the page less crowded and then we grouped boxes/pictures that went together and our page became much clearer. After we made all the corrections based on the feedback we got we asked Kate Hunter (19) what she thought of the magazine and her positive response made us happy with the magazines final look.

To sum up audience feedback was really important for our film as it allowed us to introduce some modifications in the final stages of the film's post-production. When we did something wrong we corrected it until we got it perfect, and when we reached that point, we simply did more of it. Thanks to all the feedback that we got we are happy to release our film as we consider it to be as good as we can make it, and additionally as appropriate for our target audience.

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